30,000 batches in 16 years – Fully automatic filter presses from MSE in continuous use
One source of the largest industrial environmental pollution in Lower Saxony is the legacy of a crystal glass factory. Here, dust from sanding and hydrofluoric acid residues from lead crystal production are stored in a mine shaft. These witnesses of the careless handling of pollutants in times of the “economic boom” now pollute the groundwater.
Remedial measures were finally initiated at the start of this millennium. Since 2002, a plant for neutralisation of groundwater has operated there. The plant is fully automatic and is only checked once a week by a service technician. An automatic membrane filter press in plate format 800×800 mm with 20 chambers from MSE is a part of this process. Nearly 30,000 batches have been processed here in the past 16 years.
The fully automated system is housed in multiple containers. The groundwater which is taken from a variety of deep wells, is pumped via a collection tank to the reaction container. After treatment and neutralisation, the resulting suspension is stored in a settling tank, before the thickened material is dewatered through the MSE membrane filter press. The emptying of the press is carried out automatically using a type I vibrating device. In this design, the filter plates are connected to each other using an interlocking system. The opening of all filter plates thus takes place in one operation, by retracting the pressure plate. The plate arms of the filter plates are located on eccentric bars which hydraulically rotate on the longitudinal axis and which are shaken by the rotation of the filter plates. This process causes the filter cake to separate from the filter cloth and fall off.
The service technicians also receive information about the status of the plant directly on their smartphones. The entire plant was implemented by MSE and is also remotely managed by MSE in the event of malfunctions and adjustments. An end to the remediation measure is not foreseen. Thus, the fully automatic membrane filter press from MSE Filterpressen® will reliably perform its job for many more years and thousands of batches.
Find out more about our range of fully automatic filter presses.
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